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Soft Skill Training

"In the end everything comes back to people."


Soft Skill Training efficient and international


We support international acting companies in training- and coaching-processes. Since 15 years Soft Skill Training is our major business.

Our approach on initiating and attending changes in organisations and companies is a human and sustained one. Requirements, which are still becoming more and more complex are asking for a comprehensive solution to reach a cooperate identity.

Often international challenges have to be faced. What we offer is to combine professional experience with the knowledge of the practicability of measures into a concept that fits to your needs. Therefore a first interview and the design of a concept which we worked out together is very important to us.

In training or coaching we are focused on sales and leadership, especially, when it comes to international issues. We offer training, coaching and consulting in english, french, german and other major languages.

If you would like to know more about our international soft skill training possibilities, we are pleased to tell you about the actual programs we run and of course you can have references from our customers.

Holistic approach

Nearly all companies have international structures and we offer for this training in soft skills to generate commom mindsets or behaviours. We support during developing and installing trainings, coachings and seminars.
An efficient Soft Skill Training needs experienced trainer and coaches. The MINDMARKETING-Network provides you a selection of international experts .

Soft Skill Training our references

Please contact us, if you are interested to get info of our experience. Soft Skill Training also requires trust and confidence between the people involved. Regarding this we will bring you in touch with trustfull people, customers oder trainer.